link to the future...
Earth is Changing...GeoMorphing, if you will...what else is new?
woke up one day last mornin'
I was walkin' scratchin' yawnin'
lookin' for a mug-up on the street
all the while it's dawnin'
dawnin' on me as I'm walkin'
that all the goddamn talkin'
in the world
ain't ever gonna get us outta this...
I couldn't make this up any better.
Branson/Gore juggling the future.
Here's what's up.
No matter what else ever happens, Richard Branson, and Algore have stamped themselves Defenders of the Earth, just at the crucial moment.
Smart....for a couple of agenda driven, late-middle age men...hoping to spiff up their epitaph.
Both Branson and Algore are very aware of their place in History.
Their lives have been all about making a big mark.
Branson refers to Algore as 'the leading advocate for the threat of Global Warming over the past thirty years.'
I have no idea where such an idea comes's on the record at Virgin Earth Challenge...and because of Branson's media clout, it will become fact in the future...sweet, eh?
Algore has hitched his wagon to Branson's Star, and Branson is pushing his man out an organ grinder's monkey.
They want us to believe they're looking out for us, and always have been.
Which will make their mark even bigger, in the History books.
Seriously, Folks...look closely...we ain't gonna fall for their nonsense, are we?
Would you allow either of them alone with your children?
They look like low paid extras from "Bride of Chucky".
...look what I know...look what I know...everybody loves it...
The Grand Result will certainly be a form of Artifice*.
There's nothing here that someone didn't already know.
The test is, "What do we do with this that we all can know?"
My hope is to project positive energy into said Grand Result.
Because the future is in here.
This is the most powerful device ever realized by Humanity.
So far, it's being abused by Megalomaniacal Geeks and Twisted Teens.
As far as 'look what I know''s what I think...
Let's do better!
*Artifice...clever, skillful, ingenious, inventive...then...insincere, tricky, deceptive, crafty...the list goes on...getting progressively negativer.
A dose of boat rocking, and cage rattling has to be preferable to Naval Exercises, and Saber Rattling...don'tcha think?
Adrift in uncharted waters...vessel pitching every which way.
Rattling cages, filled with screaching Harpies, tumbling about the deck.
Tiller fractured, rigging in shambles...we enter the passage 'twixt Scylla and Charybdis.
Don't worry...been there, done that...piece of cake.
As far as what happens after we pass...welcome to interesting times.
Your guess is as good as mine...let's hear it.
Whassup widat, Kids?
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